Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dear Miles,

I feel slightly terrible about not doing these letters more often.  The time is passing so very quickly, and I would love to capture it all in words and pictures.  But you and me?  We're just too darn busy for that!
You are so much fun right now.  You've always been fun, but now, you delight me in every way, multiple times a day.  I am impressed by your tenacity, your gentleness, and your energy.  So many contradictions in such a tiny body.  Though, not so tiny as you once were.  You are now three feet tall and weigh 26 pounds.  Looking at you and your fearlessness and coordination, it is hard to believe that just over two years ago you weighed less than a third of what you do now, and were so tiny that you fit snugly in the crook of my arm.  My helpless baby has become a strong, healthy, active little boy.
Every day, you look and act more and more grown up.  You love to sing your alphabet, and count, and help with everything.  You love making phone calls, and try to convince Mommy's phone to "Call Daddy".  You give hugs and kisses to everyone before we leave anywhere.  And even if we're just leaving the park, you make sure to say, "Bye, Park.  Bye, Play."
You love to ride on anything with wheels.  You love to wrestle with Potts, or just cuddle up on top of him while you watch Elmo.  You wear a bright red hard hat around the house, brandishing a sword at people and saying, "Puss" [in Boots].  You tickle people.  And laugh with them.  You dance to every single song you recognize, and many you don't.  You love to take walks, explaining to me everything you see along the way.  And you make my heart melt when you take hold of my hand to lead me off on another adventure.
I am so happy, and so blessed, to join in your adventures.  Thank you for being you.  You make me a better me.
Love you, so very much,

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